I've mentioned my dogs on here before and how Rhea was an adorable pile of fur when she was a puppy. That adorable pile of fur grew up to be a bigger, also adorable, pile of fur! The poor girl gets so hot so easily. I swear she spends the whole summer panting. It doesn't help that we live in North Carolina and the humidity reaches 110% on occasions.
For several years we refused to trim Rhea's hair. She's just so friggin cute with her long fluffy locks. But finally, last year, we caved and I buzzed her...and I butchered it. Oh lord it was terrible. It's not all my fault, I swear. The shears I used were cheap and wouldn't cut! Luckily, her hair grew quickly and evened out. This year, I knew better and I bought some higher dollar shears and wow what a difference. Instead of taking me 6 total hours to trim her it took me about 2. I used these Wahl Clippers, totally worth it.
That's all well and good but the real reason I'm writing this post is to show you the hilarious photos of Rhea.
Rhea pre-buzz

Do you think she knew what was about to happen to her? Look at that gorgeous fluffiness.
Mid buzz:
Yep she ate her breakfast while I buzzed her butt.
Should have left her with her chest poof then she would have looked like a tricolored lion!
And finally, after:
Yes I left her glorious tail for now at least. Steven wants me to trim it a bit so it's not quite so...hilarious. I'm resisting but eventually he'll find the buzzers and do it himself. We think she looks like a little bear. It's friggin adorable.
I do miss her awesomely fluffiness, but she's much more comfortable now.