Two weekends ago on Sunday it was a gorgeous day that warranted a longer than usual walk. We strolled from our house for about three hours wandering through greenways, checking out swans and eventually visiting Zack and Chrissy. I took this as an opportunity to take the dog's yearly photo and it's a good thing I did because if I hadn't had my camera with me, I would have missed Pauly...the pissed off swan.
But that's getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, the pups in all their splendor at age 7:
With Masi turning 7 on Feb. 14th, the pups are all the same age again. Everyone is fit and happy and mostly healthy. Hopefully this next year brings fewer seizures and hopefully no emergency vet trips.
After getting provisions at Trader Joe's, we cut through the parking lot to a greenway around an itty bitty lake that is guarded by Pauly, the swan.
At first I was take aback, I'd never seen a swan in person and by God they're huge! There were Canadian Geese around him that he dwarfed.
Eventually we moved on from the staring contest to continue on our long walk. Little did we know, we had perturbed Pauly enough to "chase" us. It was pretty hilarious.
Here he is trying to look aggressive. Mind you, we have three dogs with us that would have loved a swan snack.
"I am not beautiful, I am fierce! Fear me! Rawr...I mean...QUACK!..or is it squawk..."
He eventually stopped chasing us - until our return trip - at which point he resumed his "aggressive floating".
For being so big and majestic, swans sure are dicks.